Muslima Essak

Muslima Essak

Muslima Essak is a member of MTY organization and a psychology student at the University of Nairobi. On 21st August 2019, Muslima Essak in collaboration with MTY organization and Fight against Depression Movement put up a forum for young individuals from different levels to discuss ideas and share experiences as a platform to raise awareness on mental illnesses, following the high cases reported on suicide among the youth in the country. Over 100 members of community graced the event.

There was a panel discussion, “The Future of youth affected by mental illness ”. The panel was comprised of a multi-generational set of experts from the sector. A common trait across the panelists was that they all volunteered at some point in their lives, which enriched their skills. They all also had mentors in different phases of their lives from a young age. Some were mentored by their parents, bosses, community leaders and lecturers who helped change their world view. Among the key issues that were extensively discussed was the perception that millennials are entitled. The panelists were keen on discussing the matter which has led to the widely held belief that this particular generation does not believe in processes and prefers microwaved solutions which could eventually spark depression and mental conditions when things seem not to work out. This, however, is not reflective of the entire generation as there are differences from one person to another. The general consensus was that there is always something you can learn from everyone and every experience.


In addition, as young leaders, we need to appreciate that a lot in the World is changing. We need not lament in our current situation
luxury replica watches, however bad. Challenging situations prepare one for greater things ahead if we avoid throwing ourselves pity parties and do the heavy lifting. It is okay to dream but be humble and take up the small opportunities that come your way. They build up one’s character as a person and makes you multifaceted in the long run.

Breeding good and impactful relationships in life also give you an edge. Most of us love burning bridges but in this new World, strong relationships are what will set you apart. A good example is in the workplace where you probably have wrongfully rubbed shoulders with your colleagues or bosses. An easier route would be to hold grudges and when one moves jobs you could wrap it up and throw it all away. In this generation, you need to be the bigger person, seeking to understand before you are understood. Understanding that these relationships will be useful in the future. The panelists reiterated how maintaining good rapport has helped them maneuver their way around life.


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